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Eastern and northern India will be associated with increased consumption of plastic potential of the fastest growing regions. All of India Plastic Industries is 11-12% growth, including 30 % of the East India population.

As the developing market, finished plastic products are exported to neighboring countries as well as opportunities in other countries and regions showing scale. These growth are available to further support the country's northeast special incentive plan by Indian government.

India will become the world's third largest consumer of plastic soon, the plastic mold industry during the grand plans. Molds for processing consumer goods to benefit from strong consumer spending and growth. Machinery, molds and tools Committee chairman Plastic Manufacturers Association SunilJain have been urged Indian industry vigorously develop the export market, which is a good opportunity to promote their products in the international market, especially in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

India also increased polymer consumption will be accompanied by applicable machinery and raw materials, semi-finished and finished products demand growth, from 2009 to 2011 will need 30,000 units of new plastic processing equipment, an investment of $ 9.5 billion required. As the degree of globalization of the Indian economy deepened, India in the development of the domestic market, eager to develop export markets. After India has a global market backed plastic suffered a trade sweetness paid off: It is calculated by the Government of India, the coming years will be the construction of plastic processing plants as well as "plastic zone" to improve the technological content of plastic exhibits. India travel around the world in the integration of plastic, after the upgrade, more dynamic.

Indian plastics industry show good performance, the health demand of the use of plastic products industry and the end-user driven. In the next five years, the Indian plastics industry is located throughout the country, employing about 4000 thousand people. With the growth of plastics demand, India will become the third largest consumer of plastics.




