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Tongtai won the National Brand Yushan Award

东台精机再传捷报,获台湾品牌玉山奖-最佳产品类荣耀肯定,东台今年以先进制程机种「金属粉床式雷射积层制造设备 AM250报名台湾品牌玉山奖,获得评审青睐脱颖而出,本产品2016年荣获台湾品牌玉山奖与第二十四届台湾精品银质奖的双项肯定,对东台来说是相当大的肯定与鼓励。

本次获奖产品金属粉床式雷射积层制造设备 AM250」是东台因应产业创新升级潮流投入雷射积层制造设备的开发的成功案例,东台为台湾首家针对金属粉末从研发、设计到生产制造完全自主完成设备的厂商。此机台不受传统工法限制,能快速实现设计构想,加速产品开发时程,本产品可应用在医疗、汽机车、模具、航太、能源及文创等产业,且整合加减法技术,能进行少量客制化加工,目前在进行各方验证,从和学界合作着手,逐步往量产方向前行。

Tongtai PBF Additive Manufacturing Equipment, AM250, won the National Brand Yushan Award! In 2016, this equipment is already won the both prizes of National Brand Yushan Award and Taiwan Excellent Silver Award.

For the industrial innovation strategies and the exploration in the laser cladding manufacturing equipment, the PBD additive manufacturing equipment, AM250 is a successful case in the laser technology development. AM250 is the first metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing (3D printing) equipment in Taiwan. It is not limited by conventional machining methods and allows the operator to achieve design concept rapidly. This technology is suitable for high complex, customized, lightweight, and other industrial applications. It provides a good solution for validation, small quantity production, parts with complex and arbitrary geometry in new product development process.
